Revista de la Reial Acadèmia de Medicina

Academic journal of Health Sciences of the Royal Academy of Medicine of the Balearic Islands
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Academic Journal of Health Sciences. Volume 37, Number 6

English abstractPasado, presente y futuro de Medicina Balear - Academic Journal of Health Sciences
Ángel Arturo López González
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (6): 9-10

Original Articles
English abstractStaphylococcal cassette chromosome mec in the Staphylococcus aureus isolated from retail meat
Zeinab Torki Baghbaderani, Amir Shakerian, Ebrahim Rahimi
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (6): 11-16

English abstractEvaluation of nitrofuran content in eggs and milk supplied in Tehran, Iran
Reza Hazrati-Raziabad, Parisa Shavali-Gilani, Behrouz Akbari-Adergani, Nader Akbari, Parisa Sadighara, Farhad Safarpoor Dehkordi
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (6): 17-20

English abstractMarcadores no invasivos de hígado graso no alcohólico y relación con parámetros de obesidad
Mª Teófila Vicente-Herrero, Mª Victoria Ramírez-Iñiguez de la Torre, María Gordito Soler, Ángel Arturo López-González
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (6): 21-26

English abstractClinical Outcomes of COVID-19 Patients Following Treatment with Atorvastatin: A Non-Randomized Clinical Trial
Maysa Ghayyem, Golnaz Shams, Keyhan Mohammadi, Shima Mossalanejad, Sara Khademi, Seyed HamidReza Moezzi
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (6): 27-32

English abstractRelationship between physical activity and adherence to the mediterranean diet with metabolic syndrome, hypertriglyceridemic waist phenotype and hypertensive waist
Pere Riutord Sbert, Bartomeu Riutord Fe, Neus Riutord Fe, Sebastiana Arroyo Bote, Ángel Arturo López González, José Ignacio Ramírez Manent
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (6): 33-38

English abstractAnálisis de los factores de riesgos psicosociales y el estrés laboral en médicos durante la pandemia COVID-19
Priscila Katterine Caicedo Guerrero, Darwin Raúl Noroña Salcedo, Vladimir Vega Falcón
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (6): 39-48

English abstractExercise barriers contributing to reduced physical activity in chronic stroke survivors in a multi-ethnic population: a cross-sectional study in Suriname.
Ameerani Jarbandhan, Jerry Toelsie, H.E.J. Veeger, Luc Vanhees, Roselien Buys, Robbert Bipat
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (6): 49-56

English abstractOligomenorrhoea – is it more frequent in women wtih type 1 diabetes mellitus?
Maria Ilieva-Gerova, Daniela Koleva-Tiutiundjieva, Maria Orbetzova, Presiyana Nyagolova, Ralitsa Raycheva, Tanya Deneva
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (6): 57-63

English abstractEfectos del ejercicio y condición física sobre la atención en población infantil de 5 años: una prueba piloto
Magdalena Mateu Torres, Pablo Nieto Alfonso, Bartolomé Pizá-Mir
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (6): 64-67

English abstractComparación entre el manejo tradicional frente a leche materna exclusiva en recién nacidos con enterocolitis necrosante: estudio de cohortes retrospectiva
Manuel Gil Vargas, Kathya Geraldine Vessi González, Michelle Macias Moreno, Ana Laura Esmeralda Muñoz Avendaño
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (6): 68-71

English abstractAge and gender-associated radiological findings in COVID-19 infection
Parnia Asgari, Alireza Amindarolzarbi, Hanieh Shoeibi
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (6): 72-77

English abstractImpact of pharmacist intervention on prescribing pattern of anticoagulation in patients admitted to intensive care unit in a Tertiary Care Hospital, India
Shima Shokouhi, D. S. Puranik, Sharath Babu
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (6): 78-83

English abstractThe impact of heart failure on renal functions in patients admitted to Wad-Madani Heart Center in Gezira State, Sudan 2018
Abderrhman Ahmed Mohamed Ismaeil, Nahla Ahmed Mohammed Abderahman, Mohammed Ahmed Ibrahim Ahmed, Sara AbdalmonemAbdalrahim Alhag, Mosab Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (6): 84-88

English abstractEvaluate efficacy and safety of stem cells on bone regeneration: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Fatemeh Teimoori, Maryam Ahmadi, Arkia Mardany, Ali Amiri, Olha Kozyk
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (6): 89-93

English abstractPossible etiological role of Ezrin and Moesin in progression of breast cancer in Iraqi woman
Mariam Qassim Al-Dulemey, Hazima Mossa Alabassi
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (6): 94-99

English abstractKnowledge attitude and practice of occupational safety among health workers in Tertiary Hospital Mogadishu-Somalia
Marian Muse Osman, Ahmed Muhammad Bashir, Osman Abubakar Fiidow, Shukri Said Mohamed
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (6): 100-105

English abstractComputed tomographic assessment of relationship between renal volume and second vertebral body volume in healthy adult dogs
Marzieh Yaghmayi, Sarang Soroori, Hasan Yousefi, Banafsheh Shateri Amiri,Yasamin Vali
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (6): 106-109

English abstractThe effect of clinical hypnosis and self-hypnosis on pain intensity in moroccan cancer patients: a pilot study
Hayat Sine, Abderrahmane Achbani, Zakariae Cherrat, Karim Filali
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (6): 110-118

English abstractExploring biomedical waste management and disposal practices among hospitals in Port Harcourt, Rivers State
David Chinaecherem Innocent, Cosmas Nnadozie Ezejindu, Stanley Chinedu Eneh, Angelica Chinecherem Uwaezuoke, Valentine Nnachetam Unegbu, Advait Vasavada
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (6): 119-129

English abstractA study of evaluation and proper diagnosis of stroke in CT scan and MRI
Abdijibar Mohamed Adan
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (6): 130-139

English abstractEfectos inmediatos de la fisioterapia respiratoria en lactantes con infección respiratoria aguda
Beatriz Simón-Rodríguez, Adrián Arranz-Escudero, Ruben Ruiz-Lázaro, Teresa García-Barredo-Restegui, Patricia Martín-Casas
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (6): 140-146

Short original
English abstractCervical cytology: Abnormal results
Javier Cortés, Ana Forteza
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (6): 147-148

English abstractEvidencia científica y recomendaciones sobre la dieta vegetariana durante el embarazo y la lactancia materna. Revisión bibliográfica
Aina Hierro Pujol, Miquel Bennasar-Veny, Aina M. Yáñez
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (6): 149-159

Special Articles
English abstractLa metodología de cortes histo-topográficos de Salvador Gil Vernet, aplicada al estudio de los divertículos de uretra, permitió la primera descripción de la etiopatogenia y anatomía patológica. Análisis y valoración histórica de su investigación
Antoni Gelabert Mas
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (6): 160-162

Case studies
English abstractOzono y factores de crecimiento en el tratamiento de artralgias secundarias a la vacunación contra la Covid-19. Reporte de caso
Gian P. Maria Giordano, Vincenzo, Ricci, Said M. Al-Dalaien, Gregorio Martínez-Sanchez
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (6): 163-166

English abstractImpact of domestic violence on adolescent self-esteem: A case study
Susanti Niman, Laura Nikita Surbakti
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (6): 167-171

English abstractPyoderma gangrenosum on an amputation stump treated with ustekinumab
Ana Llull-Ramos, Inés Gracia-Darder, Daniel Finch Domínguez-Gil, Juan Gracias-Ladaria, Vanesa Royo Escosa
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (6): 172-174

Volum 4, número 6 align=

Academic Journal of Health Sciences
ISSN Digital: 2255-0569
Journal of the Royal Academy of Medicine of the Balearic Islands © 2012

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