Revista de la Reial Acadèmia de Medicina

Academic journal of Health Sciences of the Royal Academy of Medicine of the Balearic Islands
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Academic Journal of Health Sciences. Volume 37, Number 5

 Alimentación saludable, medioambiente y sostenibilidad
Dr. Giuseppe Russolillo Femenías
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (5): 9-10

Original Articles
English abstractVirulence characters and oligotyping of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from meat and assessment of the antimicrobial effects of Zataria multiflora against isolates
Mohammadhosseini Sakhaei Shahreza, Nastaran Ghaderi Dehkordi, Maadh Fawzi Nassar, Raed Muslim Muhibes Al-Saedi
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (5): 11-16

English abstractEfectos del ejercicio y condición física sobre la atención en población escolar juvenil: una prueba piloto
Antoni Nicolau Miralles, Pablo Nieto Alfonso, Bartolomé Pizá-Mir
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (5): 17-21

English abstractPalpebral fissure widening after different types of strabismus surgery
Abdolreza Medghalchi, Mitra Akbari, Reza Soltani Moghadam, Yousef Alizadeh, Ehsan Kazemnejad, Seyedeh Fatemeh Mirjani, Farhad Atakpour
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (5): 22-27

English abstractThe prevalence of single pulmonary nodules as the first sign of COVID-19 pneumonia in CT scans of patients suspected to COVID-19
Atefeh Shadkam, Ali Akbar Mahdavi, Masoomeh Raoufi, Hossein Mardanparvar, Zahra Fatehi
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (5): 28-32

English abstractMedication adherence and quality of life associated with antihypertensive drugs in geriatrics in government hospital, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh, India
Mahsa Rabet Eshaghi, T.V. Narayana
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (5): 33-37

English abstractLa pandemia COVID-19 y los factores de riesgo psicosociales en personal de cuidados intensivos
Bolivar Alexander Caza Garzón, Darwin Raúl Noroña Salcedo, Vladimir Vega Falcón
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (5): 38-47

English abstractPostural analysis in flat-footed subjects
Joel Marouvo, Nelson Azevedo, Filipa Sousa, Orlando Fernandes, Maria António Castro
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (5): 48-55

English abstractExercise participation and associated factors in patients with stroke at the stage of sequelae period
Jiajia Sun, Yuling Yang, Li Wang
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (5): 56-63

English abstractAcoustic characteristics of speech in adolescents with suicidal attempt. Voice, speech and suicidal behaviour
Carla Figueroa Saavedra, Virginia Guillén Cañas, Gerson Jara Cabrera, Claudia Guajardo Sáez
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (5): 64-73

English abstractThe knowledge of clinical dental students on the oral effects and consequences of cannabis use: implications for curricular modification
Shivaughn M. Marchan, Meagan Thorpe, Ramaa Balkaran
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (5): 74-79

English abstractRelationship of pregnant women’s knowledge about sexuality during pregnancy with sexuality quality
Debi Novita Siregar, Eva Latifah Nurhayati, Sunarti, Elis Anggeria, Karmila Br Kaban, Ade Lestari
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (5): 80-83

English abstractA perspective influence of the Epsilon variant of COVID-19 on Catechol-O-Methyltransferase Val158Met leads to the emergence of human papilloma virus-Gueye, which is wrongly described as monkey pox
Mosab Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (5): 84-87

English abstractTrastornos funcionales gastrointestinales en niños con obesidad en atención primaria
Brian González-Pérez, Melissa Muñoz-Rocha, Martín Segura-Chico, María Teresa Magaña-Torres, Liliana Aurora Carrillo-Aguiar, Ricardo Salas-Flores
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (5): 88-92

English abstractEstimation of hepatic repercussion in obesity and cardiometabolic risk Single session osteopathic manipulative treatment in Parkinson’s disease: a randomized clinical trial protocol 99-110
Mª Teófila Vicente-Herrero, Mª Victoria Ramírez-Iñiguez de la Torre, Luisa Capdevila García, Ana Victoria Bueno Atkinson, Ángel Arturo López González
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (5): 93-98

English abstractSingle session osteopathic manipulative treatment in Parkinson’s disease: a randomized clinical trial protocol
Guilherme Machado Pulcherio, Leonardo Santos Lobo, Larissa Bastos Tavares, Vera Lúcia Santos de Britto, Thiago da Silva Rocha Paz, Clynton Lourenço Correa
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (5): 99-110

English abstractGene expression of COX-2, MLH1 and MSH2 in papillary thyroid carcinoma: a retrospective analysis
Edgar García-Torres, Graciela Zambrano-Galván, Juan Carlos Cuevas-González, Víctor Hiram Barajas Pérez Raed Eid Alzahrani, Riyaz Ahamed Shaik, Mohammad Shakil Ahmad, Abdulaziz Badar Almutairi, Waleed Khalid Z Alghuyaythat, Abdalah Emad Almh
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (5): 111-116

English abstractFactor associated with snoring and sleep disturbance among students of Majmaah University
Raed Eid Alzahrani, Riyaz Ahamed Shaik, Mohammad Shakil Ahmad, Abdulaziz Badar Almutairi, Waleed Khalid Z Alghuyaythat, Abdalah Emad Almhmd, Abdulrahman Ghayeb Alrashidi, Shouq Yaseen Alaoufi, Alanoud Mohammad Altheiaib, Rand Muslat Alanazi, Raghad Ali A
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (5): 117-122

English abstractTuberculosis infection trend over 6 years. A retrospective analysis from 2011 to 2016
Inês Rego de Figueiredo, Joana Branco Ferrão, Sara Dias, Rita Vieira Alves, Diogo Drummond Borges, Margarida Torres, Sara Guerreiro Castro, Filipa Lourenço, Ana Margarida Antunes, Heidi Gruner, António Panarra
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (5): 123-126

English abstractExamining the effect of the dimensions of Islamic management on clinical care
Fatemeh Mirparsa, Abasat Mirzaei
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (5): 127-134

English abstractHyponatremia in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: a literature review
Paulo João Ferreira de Almeida, Aldair Epalanga Cristóvão
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (5): 135-139

English abstractStudy on antimicrobial resistance pattern of uro-pathogens at National Referral Hospital, Thimphu Bhutan
Adeep Monger, Vishal Chhetri, Ragunath Sharma, Phurba Wangdi, Tashi Choden, Tshering Dorji
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (5): 140-144

English abstractConeixements de salut bucodental dels pediatres d’atenció primària de les Illes Balears
Irene Coll Campayo, Jose M. Quintana
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (5): 145-149

English abstractThe mechanism of electromagnetic and electrical energies production by the heart; the theory of the heart controls the body’s balance, not the brain
Ali Mohammadimoshganbar, Golamreza Mostafavi, Amin Hoorandghadim
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (5): 150-157

English abstractHow anti-inflammatory and antioxidant dietary supplements are effective in undermining COVID-19 pathogenesis: the role of vitamin C and D
Zafer Yönden, Alireza Mohammadzadeh Shabestari, Arman Ghayourvahdat, Hannaneh Azimizonuzi, Seyyedeh Touran Hosseini, Amin Daemi
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (5): 158-164

Case studies
English abstractChromoblastomycosis of the heel with carcinomatous degeneration in a 32 - year - old man
Fanjalalaina Malinirina Ralahy, Joël Razafimahefa, Tahiriarivelo Randriamanantena, Nomena Randrianarisoa, Rivo Rakotoarivelo, Fahafahantsoa Rabenja Rapelanoro
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (5): 165-168

English abstractBarotrauma during apnea testing for brain death. Barotrauma and apnea testing
Mehmet Turan Inal, Dilek Memis, Ece Burçak Ceritoglu, Hilal Karakaş, Osman Simsek, Fazlı Yanık
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (5): 169-171

English abstractHypothyroidism presented with dysarthria and generalized weakness: a case report and review of literature
Irene (Tai-Lin) Lee, Ivanshi Gondalia, Nicholas Harford, Michael Naso
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (5): 172-175

Volum 4, número 5 align=

Academic Journal of Health Sciences
ISSN Digital: 2255-0569
Journal of the Royal Academy of Medicine of the Balearic Islands © 2012

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