Revista de la Reial Acadèmia de Medicina

Academic journal of Health Sciences of the Royal Academy of Medicine of the Balearic Islands
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Academic Journal of Health Sciences. Volume 37, Number 3

 La psicología del comer
Andreu Genestra
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (3): 9-10

Original Articles
English abstractA systematic review of the literature describing the outcomes of near-peer mentoring and near-peer teaching and learning programs for medical students in Iran
Faham Khamesipour, Zohreh Khoshgoftar, Nasrin Khajeali, Mohsin Yakub
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (3): 11-17

English abstractEgg White Hydrolysate as a new bioactive food ingredient in the prevention of gastrointestinal effects induced by aluminum exposure in rats
Caroline Silveira Martinez, José Antonio Uranga Ocio, Franck Maciel Peçanha, Dalton Valentim Vassallo, Marta Miguel, Giulia Alessandra Wiggers
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (3): 18-28

English abstractInvestigation of the dynamic system of providing medical services in the hospital for Covid-19 disease patients
Mohammad Hassan Hajian, Mina Alvandi, Ghazal Rezaei, Seyed Behnam Razavian
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (3): 29-34

English abstractCaracterización clínico epidemiológica de los casos positivos a la COVID-19 en Villa Clara. Marzo-noviembre 2020
Omar Milián Ramírez, Yakelín Luna Carvajal, Angela Moms Carballo, Yamilet Medina Padrón, Gretza Sánchez Padrón, Jesús Yasoda Endo Milan
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (3): 35-40

English abstractStudy the late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) in patients with heart valvular disorders
Hamidreza Pouraliakbar, Ahmad Amin, Marzie Bazzi
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (3): 41-45

English abstractThe relationship between saliva and the prevalence of tooth decay: A mini review
Zahra Husseinzadeh
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (3): 46-50

English abstractRelationship of maxillary anterior teeth and some facial landmarks
Parviz Amini, Bahareh Saeed, Rezvan Darabi, Reza Amini, Parinaz Pourmoshrefi
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (3): 51-57

English abstractStudy the antimicrobial effects of Zataria multiflora-based mouthwash on the microbial community of dental plaques isolated from children: A candidate of novel plant-based mouthwash
Kianosh Mirzaei, Amirhossein Fathi, Seyedeh Mohadeseh Asadinejad, Nastaran Chokhachi Zadeh Moghadam
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (3): 58-63

English abstractEffectiveness of an Interventional program on nurses’ practices about the preventive measures of transmission of COVID-19 in Baghdad Teaching Hospital
Basaad Salem Mahmood, Sabah Abbas Ahmed
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (3): 64-69

English abstractAllocation and development of hospital formulary for obstetrics and gynecology department in a tertiary care teaching hospital of southwest India
Sadaf Hojjati, Nisar Ahmed, Pouyan Haghpanah, Yasaman Jafarniay Jahromi
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (3): 70-75

English abstractEvaluation of the menstrual cycle of female infected with SARS-CoV-2 in women aged 36 to 45 years in iranian society
Faegeh Miryousefiata, Ruhollah Khalil Arjmandi
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (3): 76-79

English abstractThe effect of intraoperative subcutaneous heparin on prophylaxy of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in surgical treatment of acetabular fractures
Hassan Taleb, Mitra Ghodratizadeh, Soma Hassanzadeh
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (3): 80-84

English abstractQuantitative digito-palmar dermatoglyphics analysis in essential hypertension in a Nigerian population
Busuyi Kolade Akinola, Toluwase Solomon Olawuyi
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (3): 85-90

English abstractRelationship of muscle stretching exercise with reducing fatigue in renal failure patients chronic
Luvitha Herli, Elis Anggeria, Patimah Sari Siregar
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (3): 91-94

English abstractHelicobacter Pylori infection among asymptomatic schoolchildren: Link with parental educational level
Pedro Antonio López Gutiérrez, Alexandra Marcela Palma Gonzáles, Sarah Angelly Membreño Soto, Gabriel Isaías Rodriguez Lagos, Wadia Marie Simón Andonie, Blanca Nelys Licona Hernández
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (3): 95-101

English abstractA review on endometrial cancer; artificial intelligence, imaging modalities
Leila Yaminifar, Barbara Altisench Jané, Pedro Juan Tárraga López, Pooya Jafari Doudaran, Jesus Yasoda Endo Milán, Nafiseh Hivechi
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (3): 102-107

English abstractOrbital rhabdomyosarcoma in the pediatric population: A prospective, observational study from Mid-West Nepal
Pradeep Bastola, Sheeksha Bastola, Mandira Khadka, Sunil Koirala
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (3): 108-112

English abstractMedical and psychiatric comorbidity in the patients with intellectual disability in a rehabilitation setting, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Aalia Akhtar Hayat, Tabassum Alvi, Saira Farhan, Waqas Sami, Arej Habib Meny
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (3): 113-119

English abstractToxicity profiles of the hydroalocholic seed extract of Psoralea Corylifolia L Fabaceae in Wistar rats
Subasini Uthirapathy, Javed Ahamad
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (3): 120-126

English abstractEvaluation of sexual dimorphism by radiographic analysis of mental orifice and mandibular height in a sample of Kurdish population of Iraq
Nithin Kumar
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (3): 127-130

English abstractThe management of human papilloma virus infection: results of the paloma clinical trial and derived research projects
Javier Cortés, Damián Dexeus, Andrés Carlos López, Luis Serrano, Fernando Losa, Josep Combalia, Carine Emsellem, Yann Gaslain, Santiago Palacios
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (3): 131-133

English abstractEstimación del nivel de riesgo cardiometabólico en trabajadores con sobrepeso/obesidad durante la pandemia Covid-19. Estilo de vida y variables sociodemográficas
Mª Teófila Vicente-Herrero, Mª Victoria Ramírez-Iñiguez de la Torre, Ángel Arturo López González
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (3): 134-141

English abstractDigitization with 3D haptic technology in dental training
Diego González-Carrasco, Pere Riutord-Sbert), Daniela Paz Vallejos Rojas, Daniel Alexander Norton, Teresa Szupiany-Janeczek, Jorge Domínguez Pérez, Thais Cristina Pereira, Pål Barkvoll, Pilar Tomás Gil
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (3): 142-146

English abstractOn the psychological levels of general population of Saudi Arabia amidst the second wave of COVID 19: a cross sectional study
Tintu Thomas Uthup, Shaima S. Ali Miraj, Mohammed AL-Mohaithef
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (3): 147-151

English abstractLa pandemia de gripe rusa en las Islas Baleares (1889-1892)
Josu Hernando-Pérez, Joan March, Anton Erkoreka, Joana Maria Pujadas-Mora
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (3): 152-156

English abstractDistribution of the antibiotic resistance genes amongst methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteria isolated from human clinical infections
Atiyeh Ziyaei Chamgordami, Hassan Momtaz, Noosha Zia-Jahromi
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (3): 157-161

English abstractGeneralized anxiety disorder among saudi university medical students
Elsadig Y. Mohamed
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (3): 162-165

Special Articles
English abstractVaccination against human papilloma virus in men: situation and proposals
Javier Cortés, Ángel Gil, Federico Martinón, Francisco Xavier Bosch, José Manuel Ramón y Cajal
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (3): 166-170

Case studies
English abstractDesmopressin as treatment of anemizing hematuria secondary to platelet dysfunction in the setting of uremia
Laura Aizpiri Antoñana, Daniel Muñoz Vélez, Enrique Carmelo Pieras Ayala
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (3): 171-172

English abstractNeumonia meningocócica: un nuevo caso
Carolina Quintero, Francisco López, Jaime Llabrés, Francisco Aliaga
Medicina Balear. 2022; 4 (3): 173-174

Volum 4, número 3 align=

Academic Journal of Health Sciences
ISSN Digital: 2255-0569
Journal of the Royal Academy of Medicine of the Balearic Islands © 2012

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